How to Tell Hair Quality?
How to tell the difference: Remy hair, Non remy hair and Virgin hair difference .
Remy or Full Cuticle Hair
means that the hair has all cuticles healthy, intact and all cuticles flow in the same direction from root to the tip.
True “remy” hair lasts for a long time, can be reused, colored or flat ironed with heat like one's own natural hair.
Virgin hair
retains all natural cuticles,never been processed with chemicals or colors. beautiful and tangle free .
It is in the most natural state and it is the best quality human hair available to hair extension lovers.
Non-Remy hair
cuticle directions are always mixed up, causing inevitable tangling problems. To minimize tangling , many vendors use chemicals to strip off the cuticles completely, then cover silicone coating to bring back the sheen.
After some washes the silicone coating will be wore off, then the hair will be tangle easily, which can’t be reused,colored or flat ironed with heat.
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Emai :
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