Custom Hairpieces for Men: Discreet hair loss solution
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Hair loss sucks, it really does. And that's partly because of how sudden and unexpected it is: some men start losing strands at 18 years of age,
while some other might never experience it until much later, if at all.
Hair loss sucks, it really does. And that's partly because of how sudden and unexpected it is: some men start losing strands at 18 years of age, while some other might never experience it until much later, if at all.
Nobody likes sudden changes, especially when they affect the way we look. Our hair is an integral part of how we look, and how we look is directly reflected on our self-esteem and how we feel about ourselves. So it's no surprise that hair loss can take its toll on the emotional well-being of any man.
Hair loss is known to be the cause of anxiety, stress and lack of confidence. And you wanna know what the worst part is? Those very things that hair loss causes only help accelerate the rate at which you lose hair!
So where's the light at the end of this tunnel? are there any upsides to all this? Is hair loss a solvable problem? And more importantly, is it solvable in a discreet and stylish way? No man wants to wear a hat for the rest of his life, much less wear a wig or hairpiece that is extremely obvious and noticeable to everyone.
So, an ideal solution would be one that is both undetectable and stylish at the same time, it has to look like it belongs; otherwise, people would be able to tell it’s not natural hair.
So what would that solution be?
Custom hairpieces for men are incredibly customizable when bought from the right place, and they offer the most discreet and natural looking solution to hair loss around. When a hairpiece is made out of the correct materials, with a good process, the exact measurements and by a serious provider, they are next to impossible to tell apart from natural hair.
And not only do they look and feel natural, but they can also be made to match your natural hair color and texture. After that, it only takes a quick trip to your professional hairstylist of preference and you’ll be rocking your hairstyle again in no time.
Custom hairpieces for men come in two types: full head for more severe cases of hair loss and top-of-head for cases where balding is concentrated on the crown part of the head.
Now that we know about the benefits of a custom hairpiece for men, how would you go about getting one that suits your needs?
Well here’s a handy checklist of the stuff you need to look out for when selecting a custom hair piece. And don’t worry, we’ll break each of them down for you:
Base material
Attachment method
Hair type
Hair color, gray & highlights
Hair Style
Let’s say you already took your measurements and a sample of your hair for your hair replacement provider. Next, you should pick the base material of your hairpiece.
Base materials
Base materials come in two flavors: skin grafts and breathable meshes.
Skin grafts are comprised of one or more layers of silicone with the hair hand-tied or injected into the base.The thinner the skin graft, the lesser the density must be. The skins can range from very thin which are delicate and typically bonded to the head up to a medium thickness skin which can have a greater density and can be bonded or taped to the skin.
Skin Graft Base
Breathable meshes include Fine Mono Mesh, French lace or Swiss lace and the hair is hand tied:
Fine Mono Mesh (FMM) is the standard hair system that most men begin their hair wearing days with. It’s durable, can be attached with glue and tape and is quite versatile with hairline materials, which includes polyurethane, french lace, and bio-skin. About the only downside with the FMM is that it can be visible if the density is less than Medium/Light.
Fine Mono Mesh
French Lace base consists of a single layer of breathable material that provides incredible invisibility for the frontal hairline as well as the rest of the base. It can accommodate densities ranging from Extra Light to Medium. French Lace, which is lighter in weight and more transparent.
French Lace
Swiss Lace is thinner and harder to detect than French Lace, but it’s not as durable and it rips easier. So bottom line: harder to spot but easier to break apart.
Any hair style, hair density we can do it for u, please don't worry.
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